Disclaimers: Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong respectively to Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.



A/N:  Hn… -taps finger to lips-  I’m getting a lot of questions about how long I intend for this fic to be, and I have to say I honestly have no idea.  –shrugs helplessly-  In all truth, I intended it to be a short story that bordered on PWP, but once it started, the plot got in the way of that, and I’m having fun writing it.  TECHNICALLY, I could shorten it, but I have a nagging worry that if I tried that, it would feel rushed and rough.  I don’t want to do that, but that might just be the plot-snob in me talking.  –rubs head-  I don’t think it’ll go over 50, but I have to see how the characters whine at me over the next little arc. 


And before I get carried way, Rosie was sad that she was leaving me very long reviews for such a long time without hearing a thank you, so… -bow- Thank you very much for the entertaining, lengthy reviews on such a consistent basis.  And to Lit_chick for suffering the late night ramblings and plotting that randomly bounce about in my head and demand to be shared.

As for all my other fabulous and lovely reviewers and junkies, I simply cannot adequately express how much I enjoy reading what you leave for me.  It’s the most fun to hear what others are thinking of my story, and hearing that so many people are having a good time with it is so flattering!  You’re wonderful and I absolutely adore you all, but I know it’s the story you’re coming to read, so enjoy!  ^.~  -much bowing and blowing of kisses-






By Any Other Name


~And the Clock Went Bang~




            Kagome let an indulgent smile pass her lips when her young students let out a delighted squeal at the end of classes, some darting up to hug her legs before scampering off to their waiting parents and guardians while her more reserved students hung back to offer shier bows and smiles before reluctantly taking their own leave.  In true form, however, the Urameshi boys had tackled her as soon as class ended, hanging off her carelessly as their mother amicably chatted with the youkai and hanyou women waiting for their own children to collect jackets and shoes.

            “This is so much cooler than school,” Ryou grinned widely, swinging himself on her arm and drawing her eyes down from the amused looks of more than one youkai at the exuberant pair who’d attached themselves to her.  “Ne, ne?  Sensei!  We’re getting better, aren’t we?”

            Kagome blinked and looked down at the hopeful brown eyes turned up on her as he dangled off her arm, smiling warmly before she lowered it carefully to put his feet on the ground and patted his head, “Yes, you’ve gotten better, Ryou-chan.  You’re some of my fastest learners.”

            If his chest puffed out any more she was certain he would be in danger of hurting himself, and Toushi was right there with him, giving her a blinding smile that showed all his teeth as he locked his arms around her knee and leaned back to look up at her, “Tou-san’s gonna be surprised, won’t he?”

            Chuckling, Kagome nodded and caught Keiko’s eye as the woman finished her conversation with Shiori and started towards them, returning the bat hanyou’s affectionate wave before turning all her focus to the human they’d invited into their house three weeks ago, “Right on time as always, Keiko-san.”

            “You’re always so formal,” Keiko laughed brightly, reaching out to catch the two excitable boys with an “oomph” of exertion, swinging Toushi up in her arms to set him on her hip before setting her hand on Ryou’s head in a silent show of approval.  “You’re practically family, Kagome, you don’t have to speak so seriously.”

            “Yeah, yeah!” Toushi started nodding enthusiastically before she could answer, pointing a finger at her with the complete confidence of a young child.  “You should spend more time with us, Sensei, we’re the best.”

            “That would be their father talking,” Keiko rolled her eyes at the smug preening of her boys, but Kagome could see the deep love in the smile she turned down on them, fighting down a pang of nostalgic envy.

            Would Kazenatsu and Kyuuei have looked at me with such devotion as they grew older? Kagome breathed out a deep sigh, her eyes finding Shinju as the young monk spoke easily with the parents who came to his temple so frequently now in their new routine.  Is this how it should have been?  …Is this my punishment?

            Shinju turned as though he’d felt the weight of her gaze, brows lifted in question when he saw the odd look on her face and tilting his head as he silently asked if she needed to take some time with him privately.

            Kagome lifted a hand in a quick, dismissive gesture as she smiled and shook her head to show she was just having a strange moment before turning her attention back to Keiko’s worried expression, “Sorry.  What did you say?”

            “Are you all right, Kagome?” Keiko’s brows furrowed slightly. 

            She dipped her head in a quick nod, letting her eyes habitually scan the hall to distract herself and taking in the sight of Shippou guiding the older students through a few more complicated katas before leading them into the closing exercises.  Sighing when she caught a few subtle motions that weren’t part of the lesson, she made a mental note to keep him from getting creative with the traditional style in his instructions, “I’ve just been a little unsettled lately.”  Dreams… bad and good, but always there.  I can’t remember the last time I’d had such difficulty sleeping, but in the past I was never alone at night.  Could that be why?

            “Kurama and the others will probably return soon,” she offered, lifting her free hand to hide her giggle when Kagome’s eyes snapped back around to her at the mention of that particular name, wide and full of confused questions.  “What?  You miss him, don’t you?”

            Miss him?” Kagome stammered out, absently reaching up to touch the vine wrapped snugly around her neck.  That’s not right!  I’m not like this because I miss him… am I?  She shook her head quickly, but from the sly smile on the other woman’s face, she had a feeling it was a little too quick, Damn him to hell, even when he’s gone he’s making me space out like an idiot and causing embarrassment.

            Keiko patted her comfortingly on the arm, giving her another smile, “Botan promised me that it’s a simple mission, but they’re having some difficulty finding out what… ah, their boss wants to know.  They’ll come back, pissy and tired, but probably soon.  Yuusuke throws a fit when it goes longer than an hour, and by now he’s likely ready to take off heads.”

            I’d almost swear he’s from a branch of Inuyasha’s family, she bit her lip against the urge to voice that thought, readjusting her grip on her shakujou to lean her head on the smooth wood and sigh heavily.  “I don’t know Kurama will enough to miss him,” she tried to make that protest sound convincing, but her eyes had taken on a faraway look that had the woman clucking her tongue.

            “Mmm… and you pet that rose constantly for your health,” Keiko arched an eyebrow, outright laughing at the startled look on Kagome’s face.  “What?  Didn’t notice?  You don’t even try to hide that you do.”  Or she really didn’t realize how often she’s touching it and staring out the window with that soft expression, Keiko wanted to giggle at the rising blush on the younger girl’s face.  It’s even cuter that she’s denying she likes him, but at least she’s not furious about him being gone such a long time.  But then… that might just mean she doesn’t care enough about what he’s doing?  Drat, why do I have to second-guess myself?

            Kagome had to make a conscious effort to pull her fingers away from doing exactly what she’d been accused of, clearing her throat and smoothing a hand down the front of her gi in a nervous gesture, “I-”

            “You have a crush on Kurama-nii-san?” Ryou tilted his head and looked up at her with a smug grin he’d definitely gained from his father’s side as he instantly started looking for a way to work that to piece of information to his advantage.  “Reeeally?”

            She had a hard time holding in her laughter at the gleam in his eye, bending down to poke him on the nose, “Shinju-sensei would say that you, Ryou-chan, have been infected with kitsune to take on that tone of voice.”

            “That can happen?” both boys shared a startled look, pondering if that would be a good or a bad thing, and just how one would catch such a disease in the first place.  “Is it serious?”

            “In some rare cases, it has been shown to be lethal!” Shinju’s voice interrupted before either woman could reassure the boys of the joke as the monk joined the little grouping, making an overly dramatic perusal around the room as though checking for eavesdroppers before he lifted a hand to hide his mouth and stage-whispered to them.  “I used to have a brother-“

            Shinju ended up sprawled flat on the floor, Shippou standing over him with one fist clenched and a rather annoyed expression on his face, “How many times do I have to tell you to stop spreading lies like that, bouzu?”

            He was back up on his feet looking perfectly unruffled by the impromptu trip and pasting on an expression of complete innocence as he announced in a surprised voice, “Shippou!  Whatever brings you to this side of the dojo?”

            Arms slid around Kagome’s waist from behind, giving her a tug back as she heard the kitsune let out a disgusted snort, “I heard the sound of two boys plotting, so spill it, Nee-san.  You wouldn’t be hiding something interesting from your favorite brother would you?”

            “It disturbs me that you word it like that,” Kagome rolled her eyes, reaching back to swat him on the head as she sighed and noted the way Keiko was hiding a giggle while the boys openly laughed at the “usual” antics they had come to look forward to seeing amongst the close-knit family.  “And it’s nothing.”

            “Sensei was thinking about Kurama-nii-san,” Ryou casually informed the interested kitsune, folding his arms over his chest and cocking out his hip in a perfect imitation of his father’s favorite stance when he saw one brow arch up in silent question.  “We think she should come over and wait with us, ‘cause they always come home first.”

            Toushi instantly caught onto the logic, nodding vigorously as he helped his brother think of ways to get their favorite instructor over for an evening to break up the boredom and hopefully push back bedtime, “Yeah, yeah!  If you’re with us, you’ll see him faster and you won’t have to miss him as much!”

            Kagome covered her eyes when she heard the snickering around her from the straggling youkai, well aware that most of them had decided to be entertained by the mess she found herself in while the kitsune wasn’t in the immediate vicinity.  Even more when they noted how amusing the two mostly human boys were in their efforts to monopolize her time while her own family was just as single-minded, often causing an interesting tug-of-war during their visits to the temple classes.  She was half tempted to flare up just to stop them, but that wasn’t allowed in front of the oblivious Urameshis, and she just didn’t have the desire to use that kind of intimidation tactic on her family even if it had been.

            “Sorry, runt, but ‘Sensei’ has plans already for tonight with Big Dog,” Shippou winked at the pair, hiding his own smile when they looked crestfallen.  “Maybe another night.”

            “Aw… that sucks,” Ryou pouted, stuffing his hands down into his pockets.

            “Ryou, what have I told you about using that kind of language in a temple?” Keiko scolded him softly.

            “Well it does,” he shrugged, retreating into a more surly pout and making her offer up an apologetic smile for his behavior.

            “I’m so sorry-“

            “It’s all right, Keiko-san,” Kagome laughed, reaching down for a moment to ruffle the boy’s hair and draw a smile out of him with a faint nudge of ki.  “He’s at an age, but he’ll settle soon enough.”  Or not… depending on how much they resemble their father, she couldn’t resist giggling privately to herself.

            Shinju took that moment to slide in between them, drawing Keiko into a discussion over her sons’ progress while Shippou gently tugged her away from them before he whispered in her ear, “Did you forget?  Sesshoumaru needs to see you tonight, and you told him you’d take him to meet your mother.  He’s curious about seeing this side of things.”

            Kagome frowned slightly, nodding as she automatically moved back to the main area of the temple’s dojo and began to gather up the stacked mats and training bokken while keeping the discussion low to avoid eavesdroppers, “I guess it has been a little too long… is he already home then?  I thought he was still in Osaka on business?”

            Shippou glanced over his shoulder, waiting until Shinju had ushered the last of their guests out towards the entrance before he took a more relaxed stance and smiled at her, “He’s on the plane back now, but I thought you might want to have some more serious exercise before tonight.”

            She slanted him a look over her shoulder as she crouched and lifted the stacked mats effortlessly to carry them back to their place against the wall, “Serious exercise?  Would this have something to do with you being secretive with Souta earlier?”

            He affected a hurt look, pressing his hand over his heart and making his eyes as big and liquid as possible, “Are you accusing me of something devious?”

            “You’re a kitsune, you’re naturally devious.”

            “I’m pretty too,” he winked at her shamelessly.

            “Good gods above,” Kagome muttered under her breath, but she was still chuckling as she continued to straighten up.  “You’re horrible, Shippou, but I’ll bite.  What type of serious exercise should I be having?”

            Shippou puffed up his chest proudly the moment he had her full attention, eyes flashing back to their natural state and gleaming with excitement as he drawled out suggestively, “There’s this park…”




            “I don’t give half a flaming, fucking damn, Koenma, whatever was opening those portals just ain’t there anymore!” Yuusuke slammed his hands down on the desk, taking advantage of his seated position to loom over the agitated ruler.  “Either it couldn’t get through, found out what it wanted, or it did get through and we should be back home looking for it!  It’s ridiculous for us to wander around that long on a wild goose chase!”

            I’m in full agreement with that,’ Youko growled out irritably within Kurama’s head, pacing and shoving within their exhausted body as he sought to vent his own temper at their extended time of pointless traveling.  As much as he enjoyed the heightened youki of Makai’s atmosphere, and the strength they drew in from having such levels on easy access, there hadn’t been a single lead on the information they really wanted.  Even when they had “strayed” into the Western Lands in their hunt for whoever or whatever was poking at the barrier, the guardians of the lands hadn’t taken the bait for more than placing themselves in their way and reiterating Sesshoumaru’s orders that they were not allowed to go digging around his property.  Bastard beat us there and told them not to let us in.’

            You knew he would, Hiei shrugged it off blandly, just as bored as the kitsune and silently glaring at the deity to reinforce his own disapproval with their non-activity.  You said it yourself, he’s meticulous and a strategist.  He probably left to inform his people there as soon as his “meeting” ended with you.

            Kurama sighed wearily, reaching up and rubbing his aching head when that set Youko off into a round of blistering curses that ranged from what he’d come to view as standard all the way to downright crude, Calm down, Youko.  Getting angry isn’t going to help us, and it’s not Hiei that you’re directing it at anyhow.

            He’s convenient.’

            Hiei snorted when he caught that pouting remark, but didn’t take the weight of his stare off the fidgeting Koenma, It won’t be convenient when I decide to save the miko the trouble of dealing with you and run you through.

            Kagome has better taste than to be pleased at such violence against my beautiful person,’ Youko turned his nose up loftily, mildly settling as the mention of his soon-to-be lover distracted him from his murderous thoughts enough to turn them in a more pleasant direction.  Let’s get out of here and find her, Kurama.  I’m tired of this, I want to see her again.’

            You want to play out that shower fantasy you’ve been running through our head for the past week, Kurama accused him, but the heat that he’d intended to put into his tone wasn’t there.  He was tired, he was dirty, and the thought of slipping into a shower to cuddle with the miko who’d haunted their waking and sleeping moments was a very attractive fantasy indeed.  Especially if she turned to him under than slide of hot water, running her hands down his chest to help him wash away the blood and grime of their battles before rising up on her toes and-

            I’m not the only one,’ Youko retorted smugly, dislodging the images that had been raising their body temperature enough that Hiei shifted his weight and turned an arch look on him in a “suggestion” to think of other things.

            You started it, Kurama turned his face aside to hide the heightened color until he could get himself under control. 

            Are you ready to be serious, or have you finally become trapped in your high-school imaginations and lost all possibility of being an effective ally? Hiei drawled out, the gleam in his eyes showing that he was just warming up to what had turned into his favorite method of alleviating the stagnant boredom.

            I’m starting to forget why I ever liked you,’ Youko scowled back at him.  If you aren’t nicer to me I’m going to warn Shippou that he should break your miserable heart and look for a different lover.  A better, cuter one.  Someone tall-’

            I can still tell Kagome you want to have sex with her brother, Hiei warned him, smirking internally when the kitsune sent him a narrow glare and folded his arms over his chest before proceeding to ignore him.

            I am not attracted to that little boy,’ Youko protested arrogantly after the hybrid simply let the silence stand for a few minutes.  He does not have the same hands that Kagome has, and his eyes aren’t nearly as fantastic.’

            You have the strangest obsession with her hands, Hiei made a face so subtly one would have to know what they were looking for to actually see the change to his stoic expression.  The eyes I can understand, but what is it about you and her hands?

            How can you not know?’ Youko frowned in genuine confusion.  Have you looked at them?  Really looked?  They’re absolutely beautiful, Hiei.  I want to see her rip the heart and throat out of an opponent, see those fingers covered in blood and lick them clean so I can listen to the sounds she would make for me.  They’ll be sensitive, but I want to taste them and find out where she likes it the most… then she’ll slide her fingers over our chest and down into-‘

            I get the idea, Hiei cut him off when the kitsune’s voice started to cloud over with lust, not in the mood to deal with yet another hour of catching random, perverted images from their head.

            You asked,’ Youko shrugged, his voice slightly hurt at being cut off from his explanation.

            Gods help me in my moment of insanity.

            “Yuusuke, this is very important!” Koenma was protesting as he rose to his feet, unwilling to admit to being intimidated by the trio in his office as their ki alternately swirled in highs and lows that alternately heated and chilled the air with their displeasure.  “It’s unnatural for a youkai to be so organized and specific in attacking the barrier without passing through.  You have to find out who would do this!”

            “News flash, brat, they ain’t there!” Yuusuke threw out his hands in an expansive gesture.  Nothing’s there!  And I won’t stay in Makai for nothing when I’m missing my family with nothing but Botan popping in to pass along messages.  It’s damned frustrating and just plain stupid!”


            “No!” he slammed a fisted hand down on the desk again and cut him off.  “You don’t have any information that indicates we should be there and running around Makai with nothing to go on is like trying to find one needle in a stack of a million of ‘em!  We’re going home.”

            If I didn’t find him so unappealing, I would kiss him right now.’

            Kurama rolled his eyes, Is there anyone you wouldn’t kiss under the “right” circumstances?

            He’d meant the question to be mocking, insulting the kitsune’s most common remark of thanks when he was feeling pleased with someone’s actions, and nearly snarled when he felt Youko contemplate it thoughtfully, ‘I don’t think so-‘

            You’re a sick, sick youkai, Kurama gritted his teeth.

            Stop being such a prude, you’re getting all uptight like a little human over silly things,’ Youko scolded dismissively.

            Would he be more appealing if he hadn’t one-upped you on the children thing? Hiei prodded smugly, his own spirits rising not only at the welcome show of Yuusuke putting his foot down to the sputtering deity, but also at the return of the kitsune’s more amusing internal banter.

            I have a nasty plant with your name on it, hybrid,’ Youko rounded on him.

            Maybe I should have a baby, he continued, drawing out his words as though the thought of this taunt had only just occurred to him.  Then he could be all ready and waiting to start at your human school just in time to be available to watch your baby in the evenings-“

            Kurama had to forcefully rein Youko in when he made the attempt to lunge at Hiei.

            “Let’s go,” Yuusuke’s grumbled remark brought them back to the present as he brushed past the youkai with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets.  “I’m tired, I’m gross, and I’m hungry.  We’ll start looking at the spots in our world that the barrier got poked, but I ain’t going back to Makai until there’s something to chase.”

            Hiei shook his head and turned to follow with Kurama at a more careful pace behind him, still having some difficulty with Youko after that loaded comment and unwilling to tempt fate by being within arm’s reach of the source, Look on the bright side, Kurama, at least Yuusuke grew a pair and stepped up for once.  It’s a welcome change to see his intelligence is becoming more adequate, don’t you think?

            Hiei, you are not helping in the slightest, Kurama felt his eyebrow twitch, glancing back at Koenma to see the deity’s hand was lifted in the beginnings of a protest when his eyes slanted to something the office they couldn’t see.  He came to a stop instantly in suspicion, nearly turning back when the door slammed shut and blocked them off from whatever had entered behind them, Dammit all.

            What? Hiei instantly switched to a more serious mood, frowning as he followed Kurama’s gaze to the closed door.  What happened?

            There was someone else there, Kurama raked an impatient hand through his hair.  Whoever it was stopped Koenma from calling us back, but I didn’t see who it was.

            It had to be someone with enough importance to get his attention like that,’ Youko made a soft sound in his throat as he went over the possibilities, not liking that there was another chance for yet another loose piece to crop up.  Fuck this, I’m tired of it for right now and I want to find Kagome.’

            Did you miss the miko that much? Hiei arched an eyebrow curiously as the kitsune stalked past him towards the portal Yuusuke had Botan open into his kitchen.

            Did you somehow miss the fact that this is the only girl we’ve agreed on, Hiei? Kurama slanted him a dry look, taking in a deep breath once they’d stepped out into the familiar surroundings and felt the portal close.  Or that we want her?  The kissing?  The-

            Obsession? he supplied before the kitsune could continue.


            Your dictionary needs editing.

            “Damn, she’s still out,” Yuusuke sighed and shook his head, holding a note in his hand where he stood beside the table before his lips curved and he started to laugh.  “She’s out picking up the boys from class at Kagome’s temple.”

            Kurama had the note in his hand a second later, reading the contents as he stepped casually to the side to evade Yuusuke’s startled attempt to take it back, That’s unsatisfying… there’s nothing interesting in it about Kagome.

            Why would there be?  She’s your “fixation” not Keiko’s, Hiei rolled his eyes and calmly left the kitchen in search of the one human convenience he had decided some time ago that it wouldn’t hurt to appreciate and enjoy for it’s simple efficiency… the shower. 

            You’d better not be going where I think you’re going,’ Youko lost interest in the note as Kurama let Yuusuke snatch it back, prodding Kurama into motion when he realized the hybrid was making his way down the hallway.

            First come, Hiei glanced back at him, waiting for the kitsune to come into his line of sight before he slammed the bathroom door closed with more force than necessary, just to hear the new curses rising from the kitsune’s mind.  If you keep complaining, I’ll take longer and then you’ll never get clean in time to track her down before it’s too late to visit.

            It’s never too late to visit,’ Youko muttered rebelliously, touching his tongue to the roof of his mouth before he had them turning to bound up the stairs in search of the second bathroom before Yuusuke realized his two options for getting clean were about to be occupied.

            But, he rationalized easily as he closed and locked the door of the upstairs shower, it was much more important for them to clean up enough to feel they were suitably well-groomed and recovered to be out in public when Yuusuke’s source of gratification would be returning to the house while he had to search for his own unassisted.

            Kurama heard the doorknob rattle, Yuusuke’s frustrated swearing easily reaching his sensitive ears over the rushing of water and he stripped off the travel-stained clothing and stepped under the welcome spray.  He let a pleased smirk cross his lips as the cleansing rush slid over his skin and slowly penetrated the thickness of his hair to flatten down the natural style as the pristine white tile streaked red and gray with old blood and dirt.

            Victory was so much sweeter when someone was left suffering in its wake.




            ~:Your opponent is a faceless evil…:~

            Kagome darted back again, the rings of her shakujou singing against each other as she blocked the deadly swing Shippou had aimed at her head, completely oblivious to the way Souta had flinched and started forward the moment the weapons connected so forcefully.  They stood locked together for a timeless moment, blue eyes on blue as they regarded each other with the cold detachment Sesshoumaru had so painstaking instilled in them during their training.

            ~:You must be prepared.  No matter the creature that stands against you, you must be able to remove yourself from attachments of emotions and fight to your full potential.  Only one leaves a battle victorious.  The other leaves only in spirit.:~

            “Stop dropping your left hand when you swing overhead,” Kagome whispered over their joined weapons, the razor edges glinting in the dying light of the evening as they absently tested the strength of the other in the push of their weight together against interlocked weapons.  “You’re leaving yourself open long enough to be vulnerable.”

            Shippou gave a tight nod, shoving against her one more time before he leapt back across the clearing and resumed a ready stance, balancing lightly on one foot as Kagome easily reversed her hold on the staff to become more aggressive.

            ~:Hesitation is death in our battles.  You know this, and yet you still fail to recognize this truth.  How many times must this Sesshoumaru prove to you that even the most trusted ally may be used against you if you are unable to free yourself of such failings?:~

            Shippou was rushing at her again in a split second, correcting his swing as he lashed out rapidly, feeling the heavy vibration travel up his arm with every countered strike bringing the wakizashi to a halt against the enchanted wood.  Kagome’s hand suddenly left its position, fisting in the front of his shirt and jerking him forward to slam her forehead against his hard enough that he stumbled back in a faint daze.

            Kagome grinned at his stunned look, giving him a wink as he reached up and touched the back of his hand to his head to check for bleeding, “Courtesy of Inuyasha.”

            “Ch!” Shippou snorted at that, but his own lips were twitching at how successful the wholly unexpected maneuver had been.  “I should have expected you’d still be a dirty fighter.”

            “A win is still a win, Shippou-chan,” Kagome dipped her head to acknowledge that, reaching up to brush her own hand over her forehead and wipe away the blood that she could feel seeping from the slight cut her attack had opened on his own skin.  “There is no such thing as dirty fighting if it grants you an advantage over your opponent.”

            ~:Your enemies will not hesitate.:~

            Souta stared in amazement as they crashed together again, his sister moving with more speed and efficiency than he’d ever dreamed he would see coming from her.  But still… he could see what Shippou had meant when he told him that Kagome’s real skill was in her defenses.  She excelled with turning the moves the kitsune launched away from her, but her own attacks were few and far between even if they were executed with potentially fatal accuracy when she performed them.  She was a patient fighter, perfectly focused on her opponent with a calm look on her face as she waited for just the right opening in Shippou’s offense before she struck back with a speed and strength that couldn’t possibly be human.

            ~:Your allies will not always be at your side.:~

            “Don’t see my face when you attack me,” Kagome’s low instruction sent a shiver down Souta’s spine and he wrapped his arms around his torso, looking at her with a new sense of awe and respect at truly seeing her fight.

            Was this what she meant? his eyes hungrily followed their motions as they continued to move around the grove with all the agility and grace of dancers in their battle.  One slip, one mistake, and either one of them could be killed…  Could I fight like that?  Could I fight them like that?  Knowing I might slip and kill her if she missed a block

            ~:How badly do you want to survive, miko?  This is not a game or an exercise… This is the simple truth of life and death, the struggle to live another day longer than your opponent.:~

            She fights with more seriousness than Shippou, Souta observed in confusion, wondering why his very human sister would have less restriction than a youkai in battle.  What happened to you that you still won’t tell me, Nee-san?

            ~:Every battle must be entered with the intent to win at all costs or you court your own death in failure.  Do not see the face of your opponent with your emotions, miko… it is just another body, another creature seeking for your death.:~

            Kagome suddenly pulled the shakujou away, making Shippou jerk back in alarm when she twisted her wrist faster than Souta had ever seen her move and held the razor edge poised just above the pulse throbbing rapidly in his throat, “You’re dead.  Don’t hesitate, Shippou, don’t ever hesitate.”

            ~:That is the only way we survive this fate, this life of ours.:~

            Shippou’s lips quirked up in a rueful smile, slanting a look over at Souta’s pale face as he nodded to Kagome and let the blue streams of foxfire wrap around his hands and absorb the blades back down into nothing, “Oi… do you get it now?”

            Kagome turned to follow his line of sight, blinking when she finally noticed the stunned look on her little brother’s face, “Souta?  Are you all right?”

            He blinked, his attention refocusing on the present as his eyes slid over to focus on his sister, nodding automatically as he came to his feet and dusted off his pants with the signs that the battle was clearly over, “Yeah… I’m just… yeah.”

            A frown creased her face as she walked over to him, her hold on the staff casual, but still giving off the odd appearance that it could change in a heartbeat to something stronger, “You look a little pale.”

            Shippou slid up beside them, clasping his hands behind his back and grinning at her as he nodded to the uncharacteristically quiet boy, “Souta didn’t quite understand what you meant when you said the style wasn’t something you could really teach to someone who’s never fought someone intending to seriously kill them.  I thought we should demonstrate and make it more obvious.”

            “Oh,” Kagome blinked, letting out a sigh and reaching out to lightly touch her little brother’s hand as she schooled her expression into a soft smile.  “I’m sorry, Souta, I didn’t realize that’s what this was.”

            Souta shook his head, recovering and grasping her hand tightly, “Don’t apologize.  I told you, Nee-san, I want to know.  Seeing you like this…  I had no idea you’d gotten so good.”

            Shippou started to preen as though he was the one single-handedly responsible for such a feat, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?  Even Sesshoumaru was proud-“

            The rose at Kagome’s throat suddenly twitched and lifted itself up to face off to their right, bringing a stop to the conversation as they followed it’s “point” to the empty woods and Shippou tilted his head up to sniff the air before he let out an irritated curse, “Goddammit, I swear he times things just to piss me off the most.”

            Kurama, Kagome swallowed hard, unable to completely decipher the emotions that went rushing through her system and pressing a hand to her stomach when it took up a faint, nervous flutter.

            “That kitsune guy?” Souta’s brows lifted in surprise, brows furrowing in confusion as he tried to fan out his own senses and came back empty.

            Kagome’s hand came out to rest on his arm before he could actually give voice to his frustration, shaking her head and explaining softly, “He’s too old, and he has perfect control of things that grow for you to feel him out in nature like this.  If he asks it to, the forest hides him from any senses, not just ours.”

            Shippou made a face, “But he wanted me to smell him coming because he’s a cocky sonofabitch.”

            “Sesshoumaru’s right, you’re a disrespectful thing,” Kurama’s voice drew their eyes up to where he stood perfectly calmly on the thick branch of a tree, one arm braced against the trunk as he ignored the fuming kit and went straight to catching Kagome’s gaze.  “But I can forgive you this time for bringing Kagome out to meet me where I could find her easily.”

            Kagome sighed and hooked her fingers in the back of Shippou’s shirt when he nearly tried to go after the other obviously preening kitsune, “Calm down, Shippou.  He’s only doing it because it irritates you.”

            “I know that!” Shippou protested and pointed up at him furiously.  “But he can’t just drop in like this!  This is family time and he’s interrupting.”

            She grabbed his ear, tugging his head down and pressing a kiss to his temple before whispering to him, “Relax.  We’ll handle it, all right?”

            He set his jaw, swearing and folding his arms in a pout before he reluctantly nodded and turned his back on the older kitsune in a show of disrespectful rejection, but still peeked over his shoulder to keep an eye on him, “All right, Nee-san, but I don’t have to like it.”

            “No, you don’t,” Kagome blew out an even deeper sigh and leaned back to look back up at the man waiting for her to pay attention to him again.  “Hello, Kurama.”

Kurama’s expression instantly melted into a look of pure seduction and heat that had Shippou swearing at him and inwardly cursing his race,  “Hello, lover… Did you miss me?”

            Kagome couldn’t help it, the tension melted out of her shoulders and she let out a helpless giggle at such blatant posturing, “I’ve been busy at the temple.”

            That’s not a very flattering greeting,’ Youko pouted, giving Kurama a push to get him jumping effortlessly to the ground and brushing past Shippou as though the other kitsune was made of air.

            “You haven’t been introduced to Souta yet, have you?” she grabbed her brother and yanked him in front of her in a perfectly calculated move to block his advance when she recognized that gleam in his eyes, the same one she’d failed to guard against that first time he’d felt insulted by her inattention and kissed the breath out of her.  Self-preservation instincts alone demanded she protected herself against that kind of assault while her body was still humming from her fight with Shippou and eager for another outlet, “My little brother?”

            Kurama stopped, quizzically tilting his head to one side as he and Youko processed that their intended prey had just been abruptly replaced with a wide-eyed boy who suddenly frowned and blurted out a disbelieving, “Minamino-sempai?”

            Now it was Kagome’s turn to flash her little brother a startled look, missing the surprise that chased across the kitsune’s own face as she demanded, “You know him?”

            “You know my human name?” Kurama’s question came with his own look of astonished confusion as he reached out under her wandering focus and finally managed to catch hold of Kagome’s hand before she could hide behind her brother again.

            “Hell, Nee-san, the guy has a fanclub the size of a political party,” Souta made a face, reaching up to rub the back of his head in a show of discomfort at being in between the two of them while Kurama stubbornly refused to let go and Kagome stayed stubbornly behind her brother’s back.  “Three of my old girlfriends carried around pictures of him in their planners.”

            Shippou made a choked sound once and then again before he dissolved into laughter that was disturbingly echoed in Kurama’s head with Hiei’s mutual amusement when they caught the downright irritated look that made those green eyes narrow, “Fanclub…”

            “How old are you?” Kurama gritted out, doing his best to ignore the laughter while Youko preened at their notoriety to have their name still passed around in educational circles.

            “Eighteen,” Souta squared his chest proudly, frowning when that only made the man reach up with his other hand and start massaging his temples with a string of muttered curses and the laughter around them reach a new level.

            “You actually deserve more than that for almost making me go deaf, you know,” Kagome informed him primly, tugging at her wrist and not at all surprised when that only encouraged his fingers to curl more securely around the appendage.  At the questioning look he shot her, she tapped her shakujou lightly against the grass in a mindless rhythm and expounded, “For the shrieking fangirl phone-call I got from someone I attended school with at finding out I was ‘dating’ the Minamino Shuuichi.”

            “Please tell me you’re joking,” Kurama sighed with a sinking sensation that she wasn’t.

            “Gossip chain is all worked up over seeing us in the restaurant,” she informed him without a shred of sympathy for the renewed laughter she could hear from Shippou.  “And you know… it would have been nice to have known about the ‘legendary scores’ and long running, psychotic underground society of the person who’s decided to make my life hell before I was answering questions about our so-called relationship.”

            Long running, psychotic underground society, Hiei turned that description over in his head and started to snicker wickedly.  I think that’s the best one I’ve heard yet.

            Why isn’t she looking more jealous?’ Youko frowned, his tone bordering on pouting.  Females are supposed to get jealous and possessive over that kind of thing.

            I can only hope this miko pokes more than one hole in that ridiculously monstrous ego running around in your empty head, Hiei dropped down silently behind them, not the slightest bit surprised when she glanced at him over her shoulder to give him a brief, assessing look before turning her frown back on Kurama.  She doesn’t seem to be overly impressed with you.

            “Why didn’t you tell me Kurama was Minamino-sempai?” Souta grimaced when Kurama ‘accidentally’ nudged him in the ribs with his elbow, stepping aside rather than feel that sharp point again and shrugging when Kagome mouthed “traitor.”

            “It never crossed my mind that you would know him, and I didn’t exactly know that name until Eri squealed it at me like a broken dolphin,” Kagome dug in her heels when he gave her wrist a tug, giving him a look to show that she was still less than pleased over that little event and didn’t intend to play it his way at the moment.

            Pull harder.’

            I really don’t need your suggestions right now, Youko, Kurama informed him with an exasperated snort.

            Some seductive genius, Hiei rolled his eyes, watching as Shippou realized just who had slipped into the little clearing and spun around with both swords out and crossed defensively until Hiei gave him a bland look to show he wasn’t looking for a fight just yet.  At this rate, my baby will be in that university thing Keiko always babbled about before you get around to-

            That is QUITE enough out of you, you pointy-headed bastard,’ Youko hissed out, ducking Kurama’s control and venting his mounting frustrations by flashing forward to slide his arm tightly around Kagome’s waist.  He had her flattened her up against his chest before she could protest, waiting for her mouth to open on whatever she intended to say before he was dipping his head and closing his mouth over hers with a low, hungry purr.

            “Whoa, whoa! HEY!” Souta’s eyes went enormous at the action, reaching out only to have Kurama’s other hand snap out and catch his wrist without seeming to take the slightest focus off drawing her up into that slow, lingering kiss.  “You can’t handle my sister that way!” he yanked ineffectively against the inhuman strength in that hand.

            When Kurama lifted his head, he absently licked his lips to savor the lingering taste clinging to them and turned to smirk at the boy, “Interrupting is uncalled for when lovers are greeting after a long separation.”

            Kagome managed to shake off the lingering haze that stubbornly gripped her mind through force of will alone, trying to get her legs to stop trying to do their unsupportive impression as she reached up and swatted him upside the head just hard enough to tilt it slightly, “Stop kissing me to throw me off guard, you sneaky ass!”

            You must be losing your touch, Hiei smirked, but didn’t bother taking his eyes off the other kitsune, frowning when he noticed the way his gaze continued to dart around the woods with… anxiety?  Actually, he unfolded his arms and straightened as his senses hummed with the oddity of the scene.  Why wasn’t Takashima ranting just as loudly as the monk-in-training over how the kitsune was handling their miko when he was the first one to start screeching his fury to the sky under those circumstances?  Fox… we may have a problem.

            I’m slightly busy, Hiei, Kurama informed him stiffly, releasing Souta to link his hands behind Kagome’s back before she could pull away and offering her his most charming smile to soothe her. 

“I could throw you off guard any number of ways, Kagome… I kiss you because I want to taste you, and you’re too enticing for your own good.  I missed you,” he leaned forward and rubbed his cheek against her temple before she could start to protest, smiling at the way he felt the muscles across her stomach shiver against his.

            Possibly serious-

            This is more serious,’ Youko retorted, paying no mind to the boy sputtering with a helpless sort of anger beside them as he curled their finger under her chin and tilted her face up to soak in those luminous eyes searching his.

            I don’t think that’s entirely true, Hiei turned his body just enough that his back was more directed to Kurama, trusting the kitsune to guard against an attack to that vulnerability.

            The sound of growling reached their ears on the heels of that thought, and Kurama opened his mouth in exasperation to remind Shippou he had every right to do what he was doing when his eyes were instantly snared by the glint of golden eyes watching from the trees all around them.  Several pairs of golden eyes, Dammit… there aren’t supposed to be wild animals here!  This is too close to the city for that, and why didn’t we feel-?

            I don’t think these are normal animals, Hiei shook his head, his hand tightening on the hilt of his katana when he saw the way Shippou had relaxed at the sound rather than displaying the expected apprehension.  Look at Takashima.

            “Kagome, stay between me and Hiei,” Kurama’s voice lost all edges of playfulness, pressing a brief kiss to her mouth again as he unwound his arm and turned to position himself in front of her.  What the hell is he doing?  Is he calling them here to attack us?

            That doesn’t make any sense,’ Youko frowned, fanning out their senses to have the plants in the forest ready to deny any orders made by the younger kitsune and bend to his will.  It’s out of character… this has to be something else.’

            “What’s going on?” Souta demanded, reacting to the threat in the kitsune’s voice as he twisted and searched the area, eyes going wide when he caught the hollow echo his sister had painstakingly taught him to sense.  “Nee-san, what-?”

            Kagome shook her head, warning him to be quiet as she restricted her own methods of searching in favor of their far too perceptive for their own good audience, taking her cue from Shippou’s relaxation that it wasn’t going to be as bad as it could be, But could it really-?  I can almost swear that I smell-
